Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SLES 10 update - Service Pack 2

Our final step is to move the system from SP1 to SP2. I have to mention the choice you can use zypper tool from now. The command syntax and parameters are almost the same. Nevertheless, I'm going to continue with rug.

It holds the same for SLES 10 SP2. It is separated product with separated update source tree. Let's begin.
  1. Again, subscribe to SP2 update and install source and to available catalogs
    rug sa --type yum update-sp2
    rug sa --type yum install-sp2
    rug sl

    # | Status | Type | Name | URI
    1 | Active | ZYPP | online |
    2 | Active | YUM | update |
    3 | Active | YUM | update-sp1 |
    4 | Active | YUM | online-sp1 |
    5 | Active | YUM | update-sp2 |
    6 | Active | YUM | online-sp2 |

    rug sub online-sp2
    rug sub update-sp2
    rug ca

    Sub'd? | Name | Service
    Yes | online | online
    Yes | update | update
    Yes | update-sp1 | update-sp1
    Yes | online-sp1 | online-sp1
    Yes | update-sp1 | update-sp2
    Yes | online-sp1 | online-sp2
  2. Perform update
    rug up -y

    Resolving Dependencies...

    The following packages will be installed:
    aaa_base 10-12.47 (
    Downloading Packages...
    Transaction Finished
  3. Move to SP2 product
    rug in -y -t patch product-sles10-sp2

  4. Verify the new version

    CONCLUSION: System is up-to-date!
    found SLE-10-i386-SP2 + "online updates"
If you are not using local update server but official ones like you can still follow the same steps. It is quite simpler because you don't have to add new update and install sources by hand but just use switch-update-server and move-to-sles10-sp1 or move-to-sles10-sp2 patches which prepare the current system for transition from GA to SP1 and from SP1 to SP2.
  1. Before you start update install switch-update-server patch and prepare the system
    rug in -y -t patch switch-update-server

    rug sub SLES10-Updates
    rug in -y -t patch move-to-sles10-sp1
  2. Perform the similar steps for SP2
  3. Continue with update the same way as shown in the article
Perhaps, it would be interesting to compare whole process with updating other enterprise distribution like RHEL now. How difficult it is and so on.

In the end, I would like to mention the main source of information the article is based on. The official documentation for update from SLES 10 GA to SP1 and from SP1 to SP2 is published at
  1. How to update to SLES/SLED 10 SP1
  2. How to update to SLES/SLED 10 SP2

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